Friday, April 12, 2013

[JimsJobs] HostGator is Hiring From front-line Tech Support, Windows System Admin, Billing Administrators, Account Managers, and Verifications Agents... entry-level and experienced -Austin/Houston, Texas


HostGator is Hiring From front-line Tech Support, Windows System Admin, Billing Administrators, Account Managers, and Verifications Agents... entry-level and experienced -Austin/Houston, Texas

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It has been quite a while since our last official Newsletter.  The truth is that although we've been incredibly busy, and constantly growing, there hasn't been much news to share; its just been nose to the grindstone around the offices.

Having said that, we wanted to take a moment to share with you some account security tips, our new domain pricing and new domain store, news about our ever-growing social media presence, and first-up the fact that we're now hiring!

HostGator is Hiring!

The truth is that HostGator virtually never stops hiring.  We are a constantly-growing company in an ever-expanding industry; we are always on the look out for qualified individuals to join us in our myriad of available positions.  From front-line Technical Support, to System Administrators, Windows System Administrators, Billing Administrators, Account Managers, and Verifications Agents... entry-level through industry veterans, we are now hiring for all positions!

Apply today at

HostGator also has an employee referral program that is open to anyone and everyone; we will pay you up to $2,500 to refer qualified candidates to us for employment!  Full information about the employee referral program is available at

New Domain Pricing!

Now is an excellent time to registar that new domain name you've had in mind! We've lowered the price to only $12.95 for all new .com/.net/.org/.biz/.info domain registrations. This price is good for multi-year registrations as well.

Register your new domain name now at

Renewals of domains are billed annually at $15/year.

Account Security:

Did you know that one of the most common causes for a hosting account to become hacked, or otherwise compromised, is also the most easily preventable cause as well?  If you use WordPress, Drupal, Joomla or any other PHP-script, database-driven CMS then it is vitally important that you keep these scripts up-to-date.  Failure to do so is literally an open door inviting hackers to gain access to your account.  Updating these scripts is as simple as logging into the back-end and clicking on any "update" notification that appears therein.

If you install any of these scripts via HostGator's QuickInstall tool within cPanel, it will make this even easier for you by automatically updating your scripts!

HostGator on Social Media:

HostGator is active on virtually every social media platform in existence today, from Facebook and Twitter to Google+, Instagram,  Pinterest, and more!  See the entire list, and follow us on your preferred platforms at this link.

© 2013 LLC. All rights reserved.



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