Do you need Windows Admin ? We have an excellent consultant available
on contract.
Windows System Administrator:
Mr. Bharath ( 10 yrs experience )
MCSE Certified
Rates: 60/hr CTC
Current location: St. Louis, MO
Available on notice period
Willing to relocate
Status: H1B
Reference Available
Currently working for AT&T as Team Leader.
Thanks & Regards,
Godwin Ebenezer
Simplex Info Systems, Inc.
Direct: 561-623-6094
Board: 561-948-0455 x 101
Fax : 603-386-6244
Email: godwin@simplexinfo.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/godwinebenezer
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Monday, August 1, 2011
[JimsJobs] [ Available ] --- Windows System Admin -- 10 yrs exp -- Consultant Available