Friday, April 6, 2012

[KITlist] Sr. API & SDK Technical Writer (San Jose, CA)


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Sr. API & SDK Technical Writer
Develop documentation for software developers. This position requires working closely with software engineers, quality assurance engineers, and interfacing with documentation groups to arrange editing and production.

Writer will be responsible for all phases of producing documentation including, documentation planning, information gathering, writing, reviews, and editing.


REQ: B.S. in Computer Science or Computer Engineering

REQ: 3 to 5 years writing API documentation for software developers and object-oriented development environments

REQ: Expert Adobe FrameMaker knowledge

REQ: Ability to juggle multiple projects

REQ: C programming experience

REQ: Power user of Mac OS X

REQ: Self starter requiring little or no supervision

REQ: Knowledge of C++ application development and object oriented conceptsREQ: Expert Adobe Acrobat user

PLUS: Experience developing software applications and has the ability to write sample code and examples.
PLUS: Strong multimedia background
PLUS: Strong graphic design skills
PLUS: Strong web publishing skills
PLUS: Familiarity with single source production

Flexible; depends on experience. (You must submit your salary requirements, along with your resume).
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